Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Welcome to Development Hell!


I've decided rather than annoy all my friends and family on facebook, I would started this blog with the goal of discussing all things technology. I'll go through my experiences with new products, software, companies, coding, etc., both positive and negative. I'll review new technology (as I get my hands on it) and provide my two cents, for what they're worth.

My hope is that I'll be able to help those who read my posts with whatever issue I'm discussing, or at the very least, be a deciding factor in their decision should I be reviewing something.

Why should you listen to anything I say? Short answer: You shouldn't. Form your own damn opinion; I'm not your parents. What I am is an IT professional with years of experience who has grown up spending more time working on, in, and around computers than doing his other homework. I feel I'm at least somewhat qualified to form an opinion on technology, and I'll try (and likely fail) to keep things as objective as possible.

So welcome! I hope whatever I end up saying helps you in some way. Or not. Maybe it'll just be onoxious tripe that isn't worthy of anyone's time. But that's the beauty of the internet, I suppose.

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